Orange Is The Warmest Cold

Blue sky, reluctant clouds, proud crowd. Smile, laugh, tear, everything wrapped in one feeling. When I first met her, she appeared in this coffee shop, being very humble. I introduced myself, and she introduced herself. Her name is Nadya Widiyanti.

Not sure in what language we should congratulate you; felicitaciones, congratulations, gluckwunsche, selamat! Our friend here, Nadya has just graduated from the University of Padjajaran, after struggling, working so hard, majoring in Geological Engineering (Teknik Geologi). I intended to ask her some questions about her life, how she survived in that faculty. She told me, "I had never actually intended to enroll in Geological Engineering, but to be honest I don't regret a single thing." Being a girl in that faculty wasn't easy, she had no idea that the orientation would be so different from high school. She learned to be strong, she got so many lessons to stick together, praise solidarity. The feelings you get when you capture moments of Geological Engineering students, you feel this... excitement, feelings of togetherness, it's what make them, them. Nadya did struggle at first, but eventually she passed it, the challenge that God gave. Funny how God set things up perfectly. We would never see it coming, but it happens anyway. 
Getting involved in various organizations, such as Geocentric, SEG, MAAR, she really enjoyed being a Gelogical Engineering student. When I asked her about the thrill of her faculty, she took a second to think, and then she said, "Mabim. Mabim is the thrill of my life as a Geological Engineering student." I thought I got it wrong, but I didn't. She was able to know literally everyone, and she could feel what it was like, having such a strong solidarity, how it was like, being strong together, it was like having your own troop, one hundred people, working together, proud of their orange jackets. Orange, as bright as teenage spirit, eccentric as neon lamp, as warm as summer, as cold as dessert at night. Funny how a color represents it all. Funny how color explains it all. 


I personally felt many things when I'm posting this post, everything looked so warm, and happy, even though it's a bit teary, but I could feel everybody's joy, even Nadya's joy being right there, with her friends. Sometimes the saddest part of life is leave-taking. But in this case, tears do worth pouring for, but smiles do worth showing for. We hope you will be able to find your success in the future, Nadya. We wish you nothing but the absolute best. 

Best regards, Gradmoment.

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